Pines Update Newsletter Archive


Click on links below to view the Pines Update newsletters and other important project documents

Past Issues

Issue 27 (03/2017): Soil Removal Activities

Issue 26 (08/2016): Soil Removal Activities at Town Hall

Issue 25 (04/2016): Soil Removal Activities

Issue 24 (092015): Update on Additional Sampling Activity

Issue 23 (06/2015): Additional Sampling Activity

Issue 22 (11/2013): Soil Sampling on Private Properties

Issue 21 (03/2013): Summary of Risk Assessments

Issue 20 (01/2012): Community Q&A

Issue 19 (07/2010): Remedial Investigation Report

Issue 18 (08/2008): Human Health and Ecological Risk Assessments

Issue 17 (09/2007): Visual Inspections

Issue 16 (06/2007): Field Update

Issue 15 (04/2007): Groundwater and Septic Systems

Issue 14 (11/2006): Field Update

Issue 13 (07/2006): Field Update

Issue 12 (04/2006): Field Update

Issue 11 (09/2005): Remedial Investigation: Field Investigation

Issue 10 (08/2005): Remedial Investigation and Feasibility Study

Issue 9 (07/2005): Progress Update

Issue 8 (05/2005): Technical Assistance Plan

Issue 7 (04/2005): What is Groundwater?

Issue 6 (02/2005): Remedial Investigation and Feasibility Study

Issue 5 (01/2005): Boron and Molybdenum

Issue 4 (11/2004): Construction Update and Safety Information

Issue 3 (10/2004): Coal Combustion By-Products

Issue 2 (07/2004): Site Strategy Management Strategy Plan

Issue 1 (06/2004): Administrative Orders on Consent Signed